a blog about stuff.

Monday, 11 June 2007

new ep

i've decided it's going to be called 's club 7 taught me to sing'.

it's going to have 3 or 4 songs on it. all totally new songs. i really like them so i hope everyone else likes them.

great piece of advice - nobody knows better than yourself. it really works. just listen to yourself. everybody else is a dick and they don't know better =)

Thursday, 7 June 2007

conversation with my mother

we were just talking then. i said it was abit inconvenient that she's a vegetarian when making lagasne that you have to share the pots of sauce between the meat and vege lasagne rather than just using it all in one.

mum: you're a cruel meat eater
eddie: well, you're annoying
mum: i'm compationate
eddie: well, you're gay

i played the childish card.


Monday, 4 June 2007

LDN Tour

I went to London for four days, all the time thinking about an amazing blog I could do about it when I got back. Making little notes in my head of what i'd say and what'd be good to include but i've forgotten it all and the most exciting thing I can remember (and that was documented in a photograph) was when we got lost and had to consult a trusty A to Z that was about 10 years old.

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Me, Dad and Auntie. (The buildings behind us shouldn't have been there according to Mr.AtoZ)