a blog about stuff.

Wednesday, 28 March 2007

I hate lying at gigs...

For instance, we went to see The Hot Puppies the other day and I shouted "we love you!" and we really didn't.

It made me feel bad so I gave them all big hugs afterwards. They were very nice.

Sunday, 25 March 2007

Music is my business...maaaaaan.

I went to Rayleigh in Essex yesturday to meet up with Jason Perry. He co-wrote and produced both McFly albums and is currently running 'Medical Records' which is an offshoot of Universal Records. He'd asked me to come down as the label is looking for new acts and he really wanted to work with me after hearing the 'Trousers demo' on my myspace.

We talked 'business' for a couple of hours then got to work recording a new demo for Trousers. I got to use lots of posh equipment and it was all very snazzy. It was fun too. I just sat there, and played my guitar for a few minutes, while Jason did all the work and recorded it! That's the way to do it...Then I just sang some new lyrics to it and tried different things out (including some 'woo's at the end) and backing vocals etc. It all sounds very good. I can't wait to hear it with a full compliment of instruments behind it. It's sounding sweet.

I've got to write some more songs and go back again next month to try some more things out and to work with Jason and the team again. I'm really excited and i'm looking forward to it. Who knows, might even get a single out by the end of the year. All very exciting stuff...

The 'boss'. He's a top bloke and very easy to get along and work with.

Oh, and I also used the same equipment and wee-d in the same toilet as McFly. Niiiice.

Friday, 16 March 2007

Bad Scott, naughty Scott, in your bed.

I just received a phone call from a Scottish lady who was adamant that I was called 'Scott'.

Basically, a few minutes ago the phone rang and I picked it up, as you do. And this was the conversation that took place (imagine the woman's voice has a strong Scottish accent, if you can't do a Scottish one try Jamaican or something):

"Hello Scott, I'm sorry I didn't reply to your text!"
"Sorry, but we've sorted it out now, yeah?"
"I think you've got the wrong number..."
"No I haven't! Listen to me. I'm really sorry I didn't reply but I've been so busy with things but I hope we're alright now"
"But I'm not Sco..."
"No, listen Scott! Don't be so stupid. I'm sorry ok! Whatever I did..."

I hung up then. I guess her and Scott aren't together anymore.

Sorry Scott if you wanted it to go on forever. She didn't sound that nice anyway. Bit shouty.